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We help clients achieve desired outcomes through their values and innate strengths.

Are you noticing…

Unhappiness, dissatisfaction, lack of fulfilment, feeling stuck, insecurity, and other negative emotions?

Leaders & Individual

Our clients have achieved these outcomes with Level Up

  • Gain clarity in my life direction

  • Get more in tune with who I am and how I thrive

  • Have the space for self-reflection and rediscover myself

  • Break out of self-limiting beliefs

  • Have a new perspective of thinking/ seeing the world

  • Turn drama into a smile and action plan

Tangible outcomes of Level Up interventions include…

  • 9 in 10 say that "coaching with Jael helped them to move towards a more fulfilling life to a very large extent"

  • 60% agree that "I feel more confident at work"

  • 50% acknowledge that "I feel I can contribute more at work while bringing more balance to my life"

  • 4 in 10 received an internal promotion at work within 6 months of receiving Level Up's coaching

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Our unique approach

  • Holds the vision and helicopter view

  • Brings client back to the place of belief and goal, hence motivating into action

  • Focuses on values to acknowledge what is needed/ not needed

  • Aligns actions to goals, and holds accountability

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Why choose Jael Kong?

Consistent feedback from our clients points to Jael's values and strengths, making her a trusted and valued partner. Some of the feedback from our clients: compassion, honesty, patience, actively draws connections, pushes/ challenges when you need it, and digs deeper to address the underlying drivers.

What others say about Jael Kong

Jael was extremely helpful in finding my purpose, defining what gives me energy and for balancing my private and work life. She sees the best in you and helps you to build a plan for how to put those strengths and passions to work in life.


- Maud, The Netherlands

At work

Our Offerings

Jael's Super Powers

Life & Leadership Coach (CPCC, PCC accredited from International Coach Federation)

Agile Team Coach & Facilitator

Actively weaves Diversity & Inclusion reflections into conversations and trainings

Strengths Coach: Connectedness, Strategic, Arranger, Positivity, Communication

Mental Fitness Coach

© 2024 By LevelUPPP.

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