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Level Up Your Purpose, Passion & Progress

Inside of Hot Air Balloon

Our Ethos

At LevelUPPP, we believe that Purpose is at the heart of everything. It is the WHY we exist as a people, a team, a person. A deeper awareness of your personal Purpose (why are you here, what is the gift you bring to the people and planet) will naturally ignite more Passion in life and the activities you choose, which in turn, brings desired Progress.We exist to bring you in touch with your Purpose, a deeper understanding of your WHY. We then embark on your chosen goals at a pace that serves you. It is our privilege and fulfillment to witness your transformation and your stepping into the life you choose. We have seen too many magnificent individuals chug along the journey of life, feeling disillusioned, burning out, or trying to run on empty. You deserve a far bigger, fulfilling, and happier life. Choose it and commit to it. You don't have to do it alone. Allow us to partner with you. 

What our clients say about coaching

"Coaching helped me gain more confidence and remind as well as reinforced my values."


"It's valuable for every single person and a worthy investment of your time and money. Benefits = more clarity on your life direction, ability to get more in tune with who you are and where and why you thrive, seeing the value in self-reflection."


"They will have a better perspective of the big picture. They will learn not to make self limiting assumptions which is the root of a lot of insecurity and unhappiness."


"Coaching allows you to have individual support that is tailored to your needs instead of attending general trainings. Having regular sessions will help you to actually take actions and follow up."


"The 1 to 1 coaching has help me to re-discover internal strength and skills, and re-think and plan future options I could have not consider before."

Our Services


Individual Life Coaching

Coaching topics will be chosen by you, at the start of each coaching session. A typical coaching programme begins with Discovery. What are the big hairy goals you are working towards? What are your key values? What happens when these values are stepped on in life? What is your Purpose? What gives you energy? What areas of your life needs more attention now? These critical topics help set up the rest of the coaching sessions, giving us clues and tools to partner, support, and challenge you. Each session lasts for 45 minutes online, and you can expect a clear takeaway from each session, with questions or actions before the next time we connect. Habits take time to form, so does the default way of thinking, being, and doing. Our clients benefit the most when these coaching sessions take place over a period of at least 3 months, ideally meeting about once every two weeks. The details can be discussed and tailored to your individual needs. All coaching series ends with a Completion session, where we revisit key insights and reflect on the progress made, preparing for your next journey without sustained support from your coach. Get in touch to discuss your needs and schedule a 30 minutes obligation-free sample coaching session. 

Team Coaching

This is a customised solution for team leaders. Depending on what you and your team needs to LevelUPPP on your team goals and desired outcome, we partner you to design a programme that best serves you and the individuals in the team. The journey typically begins with a baseline check: where are we as a team and as individuals? Where do we need to be in a year from now? What does success look like, from a team and individual perspective? What is blocking us and how can we overcome the blockers? What do we need?A programme is then mapped out, based on the resources (time is often cited as the bottleneck!). It can include one or more team sessions, individual coaching sessions, anonymous feedback sessions as required. The outcome: a team that is clearer where each other is coming from, where they are heading towards as individuals and as a team, fostering more trust and collaboration. Get in touch with your specific challenges and we look forward to connecting to discuss more. 

Online Class

Join a Group Coaching Series

Specially designed for those of us experiencing symptoms of burnout: are you often feeling frustrated or angry when you are at work? Too tired to connect with the people you care about at the end of the work day? 
You are not alone! Especially in the Covid world, some of these negative experiences are heightened more than before, and we may not find easy ways or have the space to work through these challenges.
Join a small, confidential, coach-led group to work through your situation.
The four-part series take place once a week online, one hour each time, and we will go through the following:
1. Compassionate acknowledgement of today
2. Top up your emotional energy
3. Identify goals that fuel you
4. Sustain for success

Whatever you’re working through, I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to find out more.

Get in Touch
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